AUTISM is...

Its more than statistics, more than children seen rocking back and forth, more than "rain man". Autism is the biggest roller coaster I have ever been on. Autism is amazing, laughing, smiling, giggling, loving, caring, and courageous. Austism is frightening, frustrating, head banging, eye gouging, rough, and tempermental. Above all, Autism is Us. It is who we are now. One of us cannot adapt to the rest of us, so the rest of us have adapted to one of us. Autism is acceptance, it is patience, it is endurance and strength. Autism is learning. Autism is teaching. Autism is the twinkle in his eye as he places the letters upon the board in PERFECT allignment, first the red, then the yellow and then the green and blue. Autism is my son...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Another day... Another diaper

well, here we are. it is about ten in the morning. I should be back to my usual schedule today... but nope... just cant get it going. started my day about 530... that is always pleasant... I did have a bright spot already this morning tho. I burned 100 calories playing the new wii fit plus that santa decided we needed! WOO HOO! anyhow. I happen to be out of pullups today. that sucks. Treys check should have been here on thursday... but nope it wasnt. Then it should have been here saturday... and well the blizzard saw to it that it would nto make it... as we had no mail run at all! now we are left with today... but mail doesnt come untill 430. Emmett is the only pull up issue. I have him in big boys... that is what anthony calls them.. refering to underwear and we will see how this goes. I may end up taking the check book and going to kmart to grab a package. I hate to do that though.

I have a bunch of things i need to get done today... clean the kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, my room, do laundry, pair up laundry, put laundry away... as well as feed, clothe, and change all of the kids as needed. along with letting the dogs out and also making sure they are not starving!

I believe it is time to get up off my computer addicted butt and get to work....

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