AUTISM is...

Its more than statistics, more than children seen rocking back and forth, more than "rain man". Autism is the biggest roller coaster I have ever been on. Autism is amazing, laughing, smiling, giggling, loving, caring, and courageous. Austism is frightening, frustrating, head banging, eye gouging, rough, and tempermental. Above all, Autism is Us. It is who we are now. One of us cannot adapt to the rest of us, so the rest of us have adapted to one of us. Autism is acceptance, it is patience, it is endurance and strength. Autism is learning. Autism is teaching. Autism is the twinkle in his eye as he places the letters upon the board in PERFECT allignment, first the red, then the yellow and then the green and blue. Autism is my son...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The First of Many...

I say this as I am hoping that I don't die... Seriously. Right now myself, my husband, my sister and her friend are on the interstate in south east South Dakota. This area has just had a HUGE blizzard that lasted about a week. About 2+ feet of snow, on top of ice and lots of 30+ mile an hour winds. Why am I here? My poor sister came to visit for the holidays, and what was supposed to be a 2 day visit turned into a week long visit. She is more than ready to get home, and this is the first opportunity that has felt half way safe to take her home! So here I am.

I am not sure why I am starting this blog. It is not really something that is in character for me to do i don't think. Yea, I do facebook and myspace, but that is to keep in touch with friends. This isn't. This is for me.

I suppose since this is the first post... and Maybe just maybe i will get some readers I should give a bit of a background about me...

I am almost 28... January 5Th of 2010 will be that day...
I am married... have been for 3 years... march 9, 2006 was the day.
I have 5 children. Lu, (stepdaughter) is 11. Jordan is almost 9... (yes he is a boy, not a girl). Emmett is 4. Anthony is 3. Little Greyson will be 1 year on December 30, 2009.
My mother and my family just moved into a house together. It is the nicest place I have ever lived, and seems to be working out great with all of us living there. No my mother is not unable to care for herself, but the economy is such that it is much cheaper living together.
I have a dog. His name is Bear. We also have a couple fish. My mother has a dog... Maya... (sounds like mya... I don't know why the extra a is in there.)

I watch a lot of Jon and Kate + 8... well the old ones... haven't kept up since the drama started. I envy her. I don't know how she does it. She has 8... and she keeps her house clean and orderly. She never has children running around in diapers and underwear, always has a dinner made and lunches served. I only have 5 and cant seem to do what she does!

Maybe that is part of the reason for this blog. I don't know....

I think this is going to be simply a daily journal of my days. I need to see where I need to change things, where i can improve, and where i am doing things that are not helping the cause. the cause if you are asking, is simply keeping a schedule and keeping up on housework as well as finding time to spend with everyone.

This also is giving me some much needed me time for reflection. Something I haven't been making much time for lately.

Today started out at about 5:30 this morning.

Emmett... who i suppose i should mention right now in the beginning to avoid much confusion later... has autism. he is not potty trained and his speech is rather limited, however it is developing slowly! and for some ungodly reason seems to wake up 9 out of 10 mornings about 5:30. This morning was one of them. He also must have woken up Anthony... because about 2 seconds after Emmett came bounding into our room with his "morn mom!" came Anthony sleepy and puffy eyed.

Into bed they crawled with us. Trey (my husband) moves himself to the edge of the bed and hands me the remote. I cant even focus on the channels on the TV, but manage to find some blues clues or something that the kids were into. That never lasts long as Emmett gets restless. So by about 6am he is running out of the room. Trey must have given up on sleeping right away because he wasn't in bed anymore either. As i try to find some cartoons again because the darn TV has gone all weird and says we haven't purchased the channels. I crawl out of bed and stumble down the hall to find trey coming up from the office. I tell him that the TV isn't working and about get my head bit off by his response... "proly shut off cuz we didn't pay the bill". (Jon and Kate never have these issues!) Oh great. that is my response and i guess i shouldn't have said it cause then he got pissed even more. crabby? yes i think so... on both of our parts. I go back to bed. After a little bit he comes in and applogizes. We start our day. I cant wait for coffee so i grab a redbull out of the fridge. Wake my sister up. Try to keep the 2 boys quiet so others can sleep. Make the baby a bottle cause he dont need to be up this early. and get dressed. then out the door I go. Thats about it for now.

The exciting part comes when i start having my typical days again. this christmas break is killing me!

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